2 New Court Reporter Quizzes Added

We've Added Two More Court Reporter Quizzes to Quiz Central.
The two quizzes are When Can The Court Reporter Interrupt and Ready? Set? Depo! The idea behind these quizzes is to prepare court reporters (and refresh Old Timers!) on some of the basic deposition taking techniques. By no means, are these structured like the real CSR test questions I was asked to write ealier this month. I know that True & False questions are a no-no. I know that negative questions are a no-no. (A negative question is not bad per se. It's simply a question that asks something like this, Which of the following is NOT acceptable during a deposition? That is a negative question because it asks what something is NOT rather than what something is. Still, bad test-question theory aside, we think our court reporting quizzes are both fun and informative. So there!

When Can The Court Reporter Interrupt? (10 questions)
As a court reporter, your primary job is to protect the record. And no one but you can do it! What are the appropriate times you can interrupt? Take this quiz to find out!

Ready? Set? Depo! (30 questions)
So you're at the deposition. What next? This quiz is all about introducing yourself, confirming the identities of all the parties, getting a case caption, and more.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Todd Olivas

Todd Olivas is a court reporter and entrepreneur.
He founded TO&A in 2003.

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