Cerritos Court Reporting School
Not far from our Cerritos Deposition suite is Cerritos College where I was asked to speak earlier this week. As I said publically that day -- Cerritos College of Court Reporting is absolutely the most lively and spirited group of court reporting students that I have ever witnessed. [I've spoken at court reporting schools through California so I know of whence I speak.]
Allow me to be honest... I have never had such a good time speaking at any event (court reporting related or not) in the entirety of my speaking career. The people there were just so nice and friendly and fun. Seriously. This is a school that seems to really be a family. Everyone who attends Cerritos seemed to really be supportive of each other and their school. I spoke at a CSR school elsewhere earlier this year (which shall remain nameless, of course) that seemed to be dead. Grim faces. Nobody laughed or even so much as cracked a smile. Not here at Cerritos. I was actually considering re-enrolling as a court reporting student just so some of their joy would rub off on me. Ha ha. Just kidding. But they were a lot of fun.
Thank you! Mary Balmages, Department Co-Chair of the Court Reporting Department
Thank you! Vykki Morgan, Department Co-Chair of the Court Reporting Department
Their Court Reporting Club was having a potluck on the day that I was speaking. Sorry too that my cell phone takes just horribly bad quality photos. These snapshots do absolutely no justice to their school :(
Still, my speech seemed to go exceedingly well. They actually -- get a load of this -- they actually laughed at some of my jokes. What a concept! On the speaker evals that I got back, one person actually wrote, Hilarious! There's nothing that makes me more stoked about doing these court reporting school speeches than to know that it wasn't a waste of time and furthermore that it was an enjoyable hour or so. Most of the students gave me an excellent rating, stating that my handouts and topic were both useful and interesting.
(Thank you! Because I've spent considerable time improving it since my early days!)
Once again, the only real negative comment on my speaker evaluations was that I should talk longer. But as I always say, I'd much rather leave them wanting more than wanting less. Also, I got asked a question during the Q & A that I've never been asked before.
Why do you do this?
I hadn't really ever thought about that even though it's such a basic question.
My answer is as follows:
The #1 Reason I Go Around And Give Speeches To Court Reporters
It's fun. Period. If it wasn't fun, then I doubt I would go through the trouble of travelling all over California -- schlepping it -- just to get up there and flap my lips for an hour and then leave.
The #2 Reason I Go Around And Give Speeches To Court Reporters
It's a way to give back. I can remember that several CSRs and upper speed students and Qualified CSR candidates came to my school during my formative years. I can recall that Robert Short, CSR made a huge impression on me. Contrary to his name, by the way, he's like six feet 13 or something crazy. Very nice guy.
Also, I remember when Nancy Holly, CSR visited my theory class. I can remember feeling very encouraged by her as I fumbled around the steno keys. [Nancy has her own agency, by the way. I've heard nothing but positive and excellent feedback about Nancy's agency -- Coast Court Reporters.]
In Conclusion
If I were a court reporting student looking to find a court reporting program in the Southern California area that is both successful as well as very friendly, Cerritos College of Court Reporting would be on my short list.If you're a CSR and you wish to give back to the court reporting community by spending an afternoon with future CSRs -- and the future of court reporting in California -- then I'd suggest calling Cerritos up and getting over there to share your war stories and professional feedback for them. It's so worth it and they really will appreciate it. Speaking of which -- another first -- they actually gave me a gift bag as an appreciation present. I got a coffee mug, a cap, and a calendar all emblazoned with the Cerritos Court Reporting logo. How totally cool. I'm always up for free stuff!!Good luck students of Cerritos Court Reporting! I can't wait to come back next time!
PS. Check out this Japanese Keyboard steno diagram to the right. I've never seen such a thing but that's just the sort of thing that Cerritos has hanging on their walls. Totally cool! PPSS. - Here is some information about our deposition suite for court reporting located in the city of Cerritos, California:
![]() | Cerritos Tower18000 StudebakerSuite 700Cerritos, California 90703(888) 566-0253Schedule a Court Reporter Cerritos CA ![]() ![]() |
Thursday, December 6, 2007