How Busy Are We?

How Busy Are We? Yesterday 2/12/2025:

76.47% of our jobs went forward

23.53% were cancelled or rescheduled

This information feeds directly from live data from our actual scheduling calendar and is calculated automatically for the previous day's jobs. Come back tomorrow to see what went on today!
For even more volume trends, please check out Court Reporting Monthly Volume.

Who Cares?
If you are in the court reporting industry and you've noticed certain trends lately -- especially a lot of cancellations -- you probably care. If you're a competitor court reporting agency, you probably care too.

Why Would I Publish This Information?
There has been a lot of talk recently (on other blogs and forums) about the economic slow down adversely affecting our industry. I think talk is cheap and have decided to release some actual percentages of how many of our jobs go forward versus get cancelled. I am not going to give out specific numbers as related to volume. I'm crazy but not that crazy.

Additionally, I am taking this opportunity to ask my fellow agency owners to release their percentages as well so the industry as a whole can get a clearer snapshot of what's going on. (I'm not holding my breath, however.)

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Todd Olivas

Todd Olivas is a court reporter and entrepreneur.
He founded TO&A in 2003.

  Comment by Annette Duke | Wednesday, November 12, 2008
One example: No long ago we had 20 depos on went forward. It does seem in general that things are moving around alot. Our percentages mirror yours.
  Comment by Todd | Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Thanks for writing, Annette. I appreciate your input. I`m not worried about cancellations even on those 20/1 days like you mention. Typically they all come back on calendar and we get swamped. What`s that saying, `When it rains it pours.`
  Comment by Lisa Migliore | Friday, May 1, 2009

Hi, Todd:)

I can`t put a firm number on cancellations after booking because I don`t track things like that in my very small business. But as a small operator, when I have 10 depositions on the books and only three loyal independent contractors to cover them, it`s actually a relief when our heavy days redistribute, because the hope is, they will reschedule to days when we don`t have to give the work away to other agencies.

I will comment that numbers across the board are down (overall firm billings, number of bookings, and my personal income as a result), but the numbers are not as dire as I originally forecasted at the middle of last year. On a brighter note, the first quarter of 2009 has made me extremely optimistic in that several past due accounts receivables were paid, which explains why income was down last year as well.

I`m certainly not enjoying the gravy train that 2007 was, but so far, I`m weathering the financial storm without bankruptcy on the horizon:)

Best Wishes and GOOD LUCK!

  Comment by Todd Olivas | Saturday, May 2, 2009

Lisa, I`m so glad that your numbers have turned out brighter in Q1 2009 than originally forecast. Mine have too. Keep up the good work (and good postings on DepoMan).

Here`s to the Gravy Train comin` on back!

  Comment by Lee | Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Thanks for posting this. You spurred me on to do an analysis of our numbers. My analysis also confirmed that the attorneys were all at the beach this summer! Here`s hoping they are back from vacation now and will get back to business!

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